Dewatering Services
Geotextile Tubes
Utilizing hydraulic dredges, a slurry mixture is pumped from its location to a dewatering site and into geotextile tubes. We are able to capture solids that are suspended in the mixture by rapidly dewatering the solution, sometimes with the use of flocculants. Once filled and dewatered these geo-tubes can be excavated and removed, used for the construction of structures like breakwaters or beach restoration, and in some cases even buried.
Spoil Sites
By constructing a spoil site solids can be removed from an area and stored long enough for the suspended solids to settle out of suspension. Once this has occurred pumps and weir gates can be utilized to remove the bulk of the liquid from the holding pond and allow for further drying of the material. Once the material has reached a satisfactory moisture content it can be mechanically excavated and disposed of properly. The use of large holding ponds can facilitate multiply projects worth of capacity thereby reducing the overall cost per project.